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Mt Pleasant Elementary School District case study

San Jose, CA 2018


project highlights

 980K (74%) Annual Savings kW/hr

15% Increase in Light Level

 $199,720 in Annual Cost Savings

1.85 years for Return on Investment

$1,277,718 in Lifetime Savings (10 Yr)

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maintenance staff coordinated installation of led upgrades

All upgrades were completed during the 2 month summer break. Each school was completed in a week. As the crew gained experience they were able to complete upgrade each troffer in 15-20 minutes.

Mount Pleasant Elementary School District has five campuses which have completed lighting upgrades using the RedBird Stripit Kit® and LX series volumetric retrofit products. With Mike Kelly, the district's head of Maintenance and Operations, RedBird worked to specify a range of products optimized for maximal energy savings for each location throughout the various buildings. California's Proposition 39 provided the funds for these upgrades. 


The buildings ranged from 10 to 35 years old. In many areas, the lighting was still using the obsolete T12 fluorescents. After the upgrades were installed, measured energy savings confirmed an average power reduction of 74% and an increase in light levels of 15% overall.


Specifically, the average per-fixture drop in power was 42 watts/fixture. With 7,400 fixtures on for 3,150 hrs/year yields an annual reduction of 980,000 kWh. At the current rate of $0.204/kWh this means an annual savings of $199,720/yr, with a ROI for the entire District of 1.85 years. The additional cost savings from the reduction in maintenance and HVAC costs were not included in the calculation of ROI.


Over the ten year lifetime of the LED upgrades the total NET savings to the District will be $1,277,718.

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